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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Creative Genius

I used to write a lot...

I remember writing funny stories for my girlfriend (now my wife) while being bored in class or jotting down hilarious observations or dumb questions while riding the bus between London and Kitchener back in the day.  An example of one of my questions is "would a colorblind bull get mad in a forest?"  I wrote a story about 2 bunnies that ate an entire forest while falling in love, countless poems and songs revealing my true heart on issues surrounding my faith, and even a story about a mouse that cuts the cheese.

Let's call it my "creative genius."  Nobody else might think it is genius but I do.  I enjoyed writing, made me laugh, feel accomplished and even sad sometimes.

I seem to have lost that over the past few years...  My main reason for creating this blog.  I can blame it on lots of things... Getting married, having a baby, busy working... etc... but the real reason is I've just put it off.  Writing is so important to me because it helps me organize my thoughts, feelings and opinions.  It's when I write that I find out who I really am.  In reading some of my journals from years past I realized just how important it is to put yourself on paper.  That way you know just where you came from in terms of who you are and you can watch yourself go through life.  To anybody who reads this I hope you find the joy in writing however you choose to write... poetry, songs, stories, journals... maybe just melodies or pictures, doesn't have to be words.

I am going to rekindle this old flame... I would encourage you also.
Leave a mark.


  1. You are describing an old proverb of mine. "Why do today what can be put off until tomorrow?"
